our solutions

Network design and implementation


What is Network Design and Implementation?

Network Design and Implementation is the process of planning and implementing a computer network infrastructure that meets the specific needs of an organization. At IT Custom Solution LLC, we are dedicated to helping organizations build and maintain a secure and efficient network infrastructure that supports their business goals. Our team of certified network engineers uses a comprehensive approach to network design and implementation, ensuring that your network is scalable, secure, and reliable. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you build a network infrastructure that meets your needs.

Years experience


Years experience
Certified experts


Certified experts
End user satisfaction


End user satisfaction
Global reach


Global reach
Service desk


Service desk

Our Managed IT services will help you succeed. Let’s get started


Comprehensive Network Design and Implementation services include:

  • router-1807_67aa302b-3a94-46a7-aa3d-66b8928a87d7

    Network architecture design

    Our network engineers will work with you to design a network architecture that meets your specific requirements and supports your business goals.
  • telephone-operator-4682_c9489618-836b-47ec-8489-e15f613cb10c

    Network security

    We will ensure that your network is secure by implementing security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption.
  • computer-network-1878_39828809-88f9-48e1-9a76-61c99401ec99

    Wireless network design

    Our team can design and implement a wireless network that provides seamless and secure wireless connectivity for your employees and customers.
  • settings-server-1872_2e41baf2-8789-4215-b430-db35c3899936

    Network optimization

    We will optimize your network to ensure maximum performance and efficiency.
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    Network monitoring and management

    Our network monitoring and management services will help you maintain the health and performance of your network.
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    Network upgrades and migrations

    We can help you upgrade your network to meet changing business requirements and support growth.

Our Network Design and Implementation services provide a unique range of benefits:

  • Improved network performance
    You’ll have a network infrastructure that is designed to meet your specific requirements and optimized for maximum performance and efficiency.
  • Enhanced security
    We will ensure that your network is secure by implementing the latest security measures and technologies.
  • Scalability
    Your network infrastructure will be designed to support your future growth and changing business requirements.
  • Expert support
    You’ll have access to a team of certified network engineers who can provide expert support and guidance throughout the project.
  • Cost-effective
    Our Network Design and Implementation services offer a cost-effective solution, providing you with access to specialized skills and expertise without the overhead costs of hiring an in-house team.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build a secure and efficient network infrastructure that supports your business goals.

IT Custom Solution's Network Design and Implementation have been a game-changer for our company. Their team of experts is always available to help us with any network design and implementation needs, and they've helped us improve our technology operations in ways we never thought possible.
Pricing and Plan

1 monthly fee for all Network Design and Implementation. No costly surprises.


Designed for businesses with basic network design and implementation requirements.
Contact us for pricing
Pricing includes coverage for users.
  • All care Basic services include:
  • Network architecture design
  • Network security design
  • Implementation
  • Remote support.


Designed for businesses looking to eliminate costly break/fix network design and implementation services.
Contact us for pricing
Pricing includes coverage for users.
  • All care Plus services include:
  • Network optimization
  • Router and switch configuration
  • Wireless network design and implementation
  • Network support.


A fully comprehensive plan for any business size or needs.
Contact us for pricing
Pricing includes coverage for users.
  • All carePro services include:
  • Network performance tuning
  • Network capacity planning
  • Network disaster recovery planning
  • Workstation support.